Having Roommate Issues? Here's What You Can Do

May 16, 2019
2 min read
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Prevent roommate nightmares

Living with a roommate can be a great way to save some cash and split basic household responsibilities. Having a roommate can be fun and cost-effective, especially when you actually like the other person, but it comes with a totally different set of challenges than living with your family or significant other.Cohabitating with a person you’re not 100% obligated to love or (even like!) means that you won’t always agree on every aspect of sharing a space. If you’re in college, you probably didn’t have a choice in picking who this built-in best friend would be, but you’re still stuck with that person for at least a year.Different schedules, personalities, hygiene levels and overall lifestyle choices can throw a wrench into even the most perfect roommate pairings. However, putting your expectations for one another in writing can help set some ground rules and prevent roommate nightmares down the road.

Consider a roommate agreement

Your lease might cover what you are both monetarily responsible for, but everything else should be documented too. LegalShield members have access to a Roommate Agreement that will help set some boundaries and preserve your relationship with your roommate.Disagreements are unavoidable, but getting your house rules in writing from the very beginning can ease tension when problems arise. Among the areas the Roommate Agreement covers are:

  • Rent obligations
  • Splitting utilities
  • Use of each other’s belongings
  • Use of the apartment
  • Visitor policies
  • Care and maintenance of the apartment
  • Miscellaneous requirements set out by all roommates

Like all of LegalShield's forms, our Roommate Agreement is free to our members.

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