Back to School: Everything Parents Need to Know This Year

August 24, 2022
4 min read
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COVID-19 and back to school 2022

Backpacks, check. School supplies, check. But what else do you need to cross off to make sure your child is prepared for a safe and healthy school year?Over the past few years, the pandemic has changed a lot within schools, and requirements are still evolving. Make sure you check with your kid’s school and relevant state policies before the first day of school to understand what they need.

Vaccines may be required on the first day of school

Each state decides which vaccines are required for your student’s enrollment at school and childcare. Make sure you check your state’s policy on COVID-19 mandates and your school officials to ensure you are checking off any to-do items for your child before the first day of school.

Some schools and childcare centers may require masks

Vaccines and booster shots are now eligible for children ages 6 and up, and schools and states also may require kids to wear masks. Check with your school to understand the policies on masks. It may be a smart idea to pack a well-fitting mask in your child’s backpack just in case.

5 tips for parents when sending their kids back to school

Heading back to class can be an exciting time for your child, but it can also be nerve-racking and stressful for both of you. Make sure you set your kids up for a successful school year with the following tips.

1. Remind your kids to wash their hands

COVID-19 is still an issue across the country, and it’s important your kids are well-educated and have solid hand-washing habits. Start enforcing the hand-washing rule at home before meals and after the bathroom, and remind them to continue this practice at school.

2. Prepare for school the night before

Work with your kids to pick out an outfit the night before to create stress-free mornings. Double-check what the school’s dress code is to ensure you’re following the requirements.It’s also smart to make sure their backpacks are packed the night before with required school supplies. Consider what their lunchtime will look like—if they bring a lunch, make sure you pack it the night before. If they are buying lunch, make sure they have money to buy it.

3. Enforce bedtime rules

Getting a good night’s sleep is critical for children’s physical and mental health and can impact their ability to learn and be engaged at school. Make sure you set a bedtime that allows them to get a full 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

4. Educate your kids on social media

If your kids are on social media or may get a social media account soon, it’s vital they know the dangers and risks associated with it. The first day of school can have a lot of impact on a kid’s social media usage, as they are meeting new friends and adding or following them online. Educating your kids on how to use social media safely before the first day can help protect their mental health down the line.

5. Ask open-ended questions about school

We get it; you want to know more about what’s happening at school—what your kids are learning, who they’re hanging out with, what their teachers are like, etc. Instead of asking yes or no questions, try asking open-ended questions when asking about their day. For example, “What was your favorite part of the day?” or “What was the coolest thing you learned today?” Experts say this is also a good way of getting your kids excited and engaged both in and out the classroom.

Learn more about your child’s rights at school

Going back to school is an exciting time for you and your children, but it can also bring stress and tension. Legal questions can pop up at any time, and it is important you have the right legal guidance to get what you need. Learn more about how you can get the consultation and advice you need from a local lawyer.Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. d/b/a LegalShield (“LegalShield”) provides access to legal services offered by a network of provider law firms to LegalShield members through membership-based participation. Neither LegalShield nor its officers, employees or sales associates directly or indirectly provide legal services, representation or advice. This is meant to provide general information and is not intended to provide legal advice, render an opinion, or provide any specific recommendations. If you are a LegalShield member, please contact your provider law firm for legal advice or assistance.

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