9 Legal Tips to Help You Prepare for Summer

September 4, 2017
3 min read
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Avoid vacation legal headaches

Summer is just around the corner and chances are you may be planning a vacation or making plans for children once school is out. These tips are designed to help you navigate summer’s potential legal headaches. No matter the season, your LegalShield provider law firm is ready to help you and your family.

1. If you plan to be away from home for any length of time this summer ask trusted friends or neighbors to keep an eye on your home. You may also notify local law enforcement that you will be away. Many police departments have programs that alert local patrol officers when you are away so that they may spot suspicious activity. Also, notify the postal service to hold your mail.

2. Be careful when mentioning your summer plans on Facebook or other social networks. Thieves sometimes use that information to target victims who are away from home.

3. Protect your identity when traveling. Only carry the documentation you need. When traveling out of the country carry your passport and always keep it within your sight. Keep copies of all the important information from your wallet at home in case it is lost on your trip.

4. Traveler’s checks and credit cards offer the greatest level of protection from theft and fraud. Let your credit card company and bank know you will be traveling. Keep a list of important contacts so you can quickly notify your credit card company, bank and the police if you are the victim of theft or fraud.

5. If you plan to rent a vacation home make sure you understand the terms of your rental agreement. Your LegalShield provider law firm can review the lease and point out any potential problems.

6. Cruises and expense-paid vacations can be a great way to travel within a budget, but make sure you understand the details of the trip before you leave. What is truly covered and what additional expenses are you responsible for during the trip? Your LegalShield provider law firm can help you review your agreement with the resort or cruise company.

7. If you decide to send your children to overnight or day camp during the summer find out about the staff and facilities. Are staff certified in first aid or trained to spot child abuse? Find out about the camp accreditations and inspect the facilities closely before leaving your child. Have your LegalShield provider law firm review any contracts or liability waivers before your sign them.

8. Trauma injuries and ER visits increase in the summer. Make sure you understand your insurance requirements and deductibles for ER visits. If you are traveling far from home, notify your insurance company and ask what your responsibilities are in the event of a medical emergency.

Make sure your living will or advanced medical directive is executed and accessible.9. Before traveling, leave a trusted friend or family member with a copy of your current Will, Power of Attorney and insurance documents. If you do not have a current estate plan contact your LegalShield provider law firm today. Setting up your estate plan ahead of a pending trip allows time for executing the documents and distributing copies.

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